Lies, damned lies, and statistics aside, there is compelling evidence that older women are an endangered species in this dreadful job market. By older, we mean first-generation American women who were liberated from the kitchen and welcomed at grad school. Women who became role models for running meetings while their kids were throwing up at day care. And we won't go into those awful man-suits with floppy bow ties.
Women aged 55 and over are almost 20% of the female work force, slightly outnumber their male counterparts, and about 40% of them are in management, professional and related occupations. Or, at least they were in 2008, before the market crashed.
They can expect to live another 20+ years, and many need (and want) to keep working --in this way they are equal to men, only their retirement funds are more anemic. Rome was not built in a day, and push come to shove, women were more likely to sacrifice long term career security to keep the home fires burning.
The concept of a glass ceiling is as quaint as a glasss slipper for these ladies --they can't even get a foot in the door. In 2006, 25% of employers surveyed admitted they were reluctant to hire older workers -- since that sentiment was assuredly under-reported to be begin with, today women over 55 are un-invited on a grand scale.
Fortunately, this pioneer group has unprecedented education, experience and survivor instincts --not to mention purchasing power. We are a small band of women who are looking to inspire older working women to fight back, support one another, and continue to set records in the workplace. While as individuals we may be unemployed or underemployed, we know we can summon strength from our sisters-in-arms.