Reasonable Work Shifts?
Juggling a couple of jobs and pulling shifts is a choice or necessity for many workers. Recent news reveals a sea of unrest for those folks:
Drivers for Facebook employee buses are looking to unionize; they are away from home up to 15 hours a day, as they work an early am shift and then one at the end of the day. Most cannot afford to live nearby, so they are expected to 'hang out' inbetween. Competitive bidding by bus contractors is cited as one rationale for the loony work schedules.
Starbucks was recently featured in a NYT article, which highlighted the plight of workers whose shedules are generated by a software system. One woman commuted by bus an hour a day and never knew when she was working; hence, she was, defacto, on unpaid call, continuously. Her young son and and family supporters were all affected by the ensuing chaos.
From my HR perspective, as well as own experience, people should be able to know when they are expected to work, especially if they have other pt jobs they are committed to. The employment landscape is rapidly changing, and we all know the "9 to 5 / retire with a golden watch" days are dwindling.
Many of the jobs in our 'recovering economy' are lower paying service positions. Employers are under harsh profitability pressures, but have we given up on respecting people's time?